

Getting Dirty!

This week in Playschool we got a bit messy to go along with our Playing in the Brown Dirt theme 
We played with some wet sand and made sand balls!

Kids were a bit hesitant at first but we all slowly got into it when we realized it wasn't anything scary

I got some on my finger!

Make sure you mix it well so we can make balls!
Let's see who can make the biggest sand ball!

How does it feel? Mushy? Can you squeeze some through your fingers?

Here you are...

 We all got a little bit messy but that's what aprons are for! 
Next time we go to the park maybe we can make bigger sand balls at the sand boxes!


Cooking Curry

Look at how everyone is growing up!  Now we're cooking!  Earlier this month everyone pitched in and the whole class worked together to make yummy curry.  The kids were keen to help and worked well together.  It's always great to see the kids working together and helping each other while having a good time.
 Look at our perfectly cut carrots!

 I have to cut this just right.
Mmmm!  We sure make good curry!



6月のDiscovery のご案内です♪

Discovery in June will be on Tuesday, 7th and Monday 20th.
Please don't miss your sign-up!

6月7日(火)はクッキング。Cooking for June 7 (Tue)

 そして、20日(月)はサイエンスです。 Science for 20th (Mon)

Please contact to the office for sign-up or questions.  Thank you.

[Discovery Class受講について]

Discovery Kids Club is for curious children who are interested in trying new things as they explore the world around them.  Using cooking, arts and Science; students are given the opportunity to discover new things with friends.  This class is available for both enrolled students and non-enrolled students ages 3 and up.  Tickets are available at the office for 1 time and 5 times.


Junior Kinder First Birthday Party♪

We had a birthday party in our class! It was first time for some kids,so we were all so excited about it.
We ate pancakes and played some games and gave a birthday card to our birthday friend.
Everyone loved our birthday party ☆
Let’s sing a birthday song  ”Happy Birthday to you-♪”

So yummy!

3,2,1  Blow------

We made  a birthday card for the birthday girl!
" Look! What did I get?♪"


5月のDiscovery Part 2


We are going to make a dream castle on Monday, 23rd of this month for Discovery Kids Club.

For sign-up or questions, please contact to the office.  Thank you!

[Discovery Class受講について]


Discovery Kids Club is for curious children who are interested in trying new things as they explore the world around them.  Using cooking, arts and Science; students are given the opportunity to discover new things with friends.  This class is available for both enrolled students and non-enrolled students ages 3 and up.  Tickets are available at the office for 1 time and 5 times.

After Holiday

Holiday was over,  kids came back to school !
Did you have good time ?
Are we ready to take on new challenges ?


Painting,, it's beautiful color☆

Wow,,,what are we going to do ?

Junior Kinder Class
Using the paint brush and matching...

Kinder Class
What are going to learn this month ?