

Jr. Kinder Off to a Fun Start!!!

We've welcomed some new friends to Jr. Kinder this year, and we're having fun together.  One activity that everyone seems to really love is cutting practice.  Now, I know that doesn't sound very exciting, but after we cut some paper, we get to feed it to the monster!
Preparing the monster's lunch.

Almost finished.

Monster, here's your food!

Our theme this month is Spring, and one of our weekly themes was Spring Cleaning.  We want to teach the kids how to take care of our room by cleaning up.  But we can't clean up unless we make a mess first!  Here we are having a great time making a mess with stamps on the table, then wiping our mess away!


Discovery: Easter Bunny Houses

To celebrate spring we made Easter Rabbit houses yesterday.

First we had to organize the pieces to make sure we had everything we needed...

Pop out all the pieces!

Now time to stick it all together

 The hard part was putting our Easter Bunny Houses together

When you need help please ask teachers!
 Our Final Products! 
Very cute and colorful! A great addition to brighten up our rooms


Playschool Welcome Party

Now that everyone has gotten use to school 
we had our welcome celebration this week to celebrate with our new friends

We made some 
☆ yummy popcorn  ☆

yum! nice and warm !

Fill it up to the top!!

it was such a nice way to hang out with our new friends

Tummies ALL FULL!!


Discovery for April

We are so happy to inform you of Discovery for the first month of this school year!!
It will be held on April 17 (Mon) and 25 (Tue).  And the theme is Easter Bunny♪

For April 17;

And for April 25;

Let's have fun together!

Please contact the office for sign-up or questions. 

Thank you.