

Junior Kinder February

This month we explored the theme of doctors and dentists, and the kids got some real hands-on experience as we learned about these caretakers.  We made our own doctor's kits, helped each other check height and weight, and even prepared blood!  OK, it was just red paint, but the kids really had a blast using droppers to fill a cup with "blood".

The kids also had a great time playing doctor every day, especially when it was time to give the teacher his medicine!

We sang a lot of songs about bodies to learn about our body parts.  We even took some time to learn where some of our organs are and what they do in our bodies.  Now everyone knows that your brain is not in your belly!


Playschool Yummy Week!

This month in Playschool we are learning about 
❤All The Things We Love❤
and this week is all about yummy foods we LOVE to eat 

We dipped Strawberries, Banana, and Marshmallows in everyone's favorite food...

3,2,1.. Let's Eat!!

Things got a little messy but it was lots of fun!!

Do you like my chocolate mustache?
 Yum! Yum!

More Please!!